Category Archives: links

Friday Funday!

It’s supposed to be a fairly beautiful weekend, so you can rest assured that we’re going to take advantage of it!  We’re going to head to the zoo as both kids have been more interested than usual in various animals, and then maybe we’ll fit in a walk as well.  In the meantime…

Creating a kinder world.

Some old news, but fascinating nonetheless – Parallel Universes.

The secret to never feeling frustrated.

Anyone who has ever shared walls/floors/ceilings with neighbors can appreciate this…

Movies I’m looking forward to this year…

Friday Funday!

It’s supposed to be glorious this weekend, so we’re going to make the most of it before the temperatures drop back down into the 40s (and potentially 30s).  We haven’t decided what yet, but at the very least we’re grilling ribs and going on some nice walks.  All cleaning shall be postponed, unless my little helper wants to take over again. 😉

MoppingFun MoppingFun2

In the meantime, how about some links?

How to program your brain to stop buying crap.  Was this written for me??

How to move forward despite uncertainty.

I want to live in this giant urban treehouse!

Some super cool campers because I’m ready for summer and outdoor adventures!

Friday Funday!

As far as I can tell we’re in for a fairly low-key weekend. The temperature is slowly rising, but there’s a lot to do around the house (boring house-keeping type stuff) so we’ll most likely stay in.  Would you believe we only just recently ventured into fort making with the kids?


I’m not sure why we haven’t done it before, but I think we owe the kids a really spectacular fort to make up for not showing them the joys of forts sooner.


Plus, with my need to have blankets everywhere, we should be able to build the fort of all forts with a little ingenuity.  It shall be glorious!


Anyhoo, how about some recent fun/interesting links for your Friday?

New guidelines on how much sleep you should get.

19 frustrating things kids today will never get to experience.

I will probably never declutter my house either (even if I’d like to).

I see 34, and I definitely do not wear yellow.

And in case you’ve been living in a box.  Who wants to babysit opening weekend?


New Look!

You may (or may not) have noticed that I have a new banner!  I’m excited about it, and no, I did not draw it myself. I can’t draw to save my life and I think have lost every single game of Pictionary I’ve ever played.  I’m that bad at drawing. So, I have Jenny from Candy Face Creative to thank for my banner and fun schtuff!  She has a really cute Etsy shop with cards and custom portraits and other sweet print offerings.

I just felt it was time for something a little more fun that reflected me/us better since blogging has become a fun little hobby that I enjoy.  I’ve always liked journaling and since my memory is horrible right now, it’s nice to have an easy way to go back in time to remember a moment or where we went that one time.  I’ve also enjoyed connecting with new people from various places.  I’m an introvert so meeting people and actually making friends will never be an easy task for me, so it’s nice that the internet has made it very easy to find others with similar interests who in turn become acquaintances I might never have had the pleasure of coming in contact with otherwise.

Anyhoo, thanks to everyone for liking the new Facebook page as well!  I just thought it would be nice to keep the blog posts separate from my personal page… because.  I don’t expect to get hundreds and hundreds of followers, but it’s nice to separate the two so I can keep some things private and share other things more freely.


Friday Funday!

Hooray for Friday!  We are taking the kids to Sesame Street Live and are really just hoping we didn’t make a mistake by being cheap and getting sale tickets for an evening show. Time will tell.

The Oatmeal tests a self-driving car.

9 Ways to Feel more Positive.

What an upside down iceberg looks like.

I’ve had Harry Potter on the brain, so for fun – what would happen if Hermione Granger were the main character (Language warning for those who care).

More Harry Potter fun (we’ve been reading these while we rewatch the movies).

I cannot get this song out of my head.  LOVE this version so much better than the original.

Discovered via A Nerdy World.