Category Archives: diy

Yard Work

Finally I am posting pictures of the yard work I did a few weeks ago. :p It’s so easy to go outside and take a few pictures, and yet, it’s even more easy to procrastinate and not do so. So, I give you… the yard.

These first pictures I replaced everything in these two bottom tiers (including the soil) they were all hostas, and those are boring, so eventually these will all be blooming and gorgeous.

These are my potted plants
Look! Sunflowers! I need to transplant these babies to give them more room.
These are the hostas I moved from the tiers to the other side of the garage with some other plants that I don’t remember what they are…
This was probably the biggest undertaking and is still a work in progress. I wanted to turn this hill of dirt into something a little more attractive, so I built the walls and planted some hostas and some other various groundcovers that in time will get much larger and have pretty little purple flowers. 🙂

Hello Ziggy!