Category Archives: play

Week In Review – Sick With Lots of Legos

Happy Monday!

Linking up with Meghan from Clean Eats, Fast Feets for another Week in Review!

Last week was an interesting one.  It was rainy and kind of bleh and I managed to catch a summer cold from who knows where.  There’s nothing worse than spending two days in bed when you’re sick, am I right?  I knew my health was truly making a turn for the better when Phoebe told me I didn’t sound too weird anymore. Ha! Thankfully I had cats to keep me company during the day and at night the munchkins.

Lots of soup this week, though, and tea with honey and a touch of bourbon or rum in the evening.

It was also a really rough week for Phoebe’s Barbies and Princess dolls.  There was some major partying going on and for some reason most of them are not into wearing clothes anymore.

A video game arrived that I am very much looking forward to playing this Friday night on Twitch!

I was feeling better by Friday and on Saturday we started putting together a massive Lego Disney castle because it was finally on sale and oh so magical.

It is massive and still under construction since I haven’t had enough uninterrupted time to really make headway.

Vega has enjoyed hanging out in my office, however, so I guess there’s that. I haven’t been letting them in lately because one of them was peeing, so I’m taking my chances.

I also had to take Ziggy to the vet this weekend because it looked like she might have a UTI and they are indeed going to put her on antibiotics (I just got the call) because she had a really large amount of bacteria in her sample.  Thankfully she’s fairly cooperative even when being forced to do something she doesn’t like, whether it be taking medicine or getting a thermometer shoved up her butt.  Oh the indignity.

Water Balloon Fight

Well, considering we’re almost to fall, I should probably enjoy these summer moments while they last.  The high is the in 50s today. The 50’s.  I’m not ready for fall and quite frankly, it gives me a bit of the sads when I even start to go there, so I won’t.

I had a lot of great intentions for summer this year, and then I’m not really sure what happened… I suppose we have been a bit busy and considering the kids had swimming lessons every Sunday for the majority of the summer that kind of explains why we didn’t do much else with water.  How can summertime be so short, though?  I feel like we really need to get in a few outside swimming days before the pools close, but that will depend entirely upon the weather. We did, however, have at least ONE decent water balloon fight.  I didn’t get any pictures during the fight since they both gained up on me multiple times, but it was a lot of fun.

Who knows, maybe we’ll have time to sneak in one last fight before the end of summer, and maybe we’ll even convince Josh to join us.

Road Trip Part 6 – Durango

The trip from California to Durango, Colorado was done overnight, so we didn’t make many stops along the way, however count on small children to need to use the restroom at the worst time possible when there are no bathrooms around.  Haha. We also started to run into cooler drizzly weather which made exiting the car even more enjoyable.

I really failed at taking pictures during this portion of our trip and I don’t know why!  Maybe because it felt so much like just being at home?  I know at home I have to make more of an effort to pick up my camera at times.  Plus, a lot of our time was just spent hanging out and chatting and unfortunately we were only there a few days, so that has a lot to do with it as well. Lots of good food and just nice to be home where really not much has changed, and as always a part of me thinks of moving back one day.  Just maybe.

My dad has several of these large creepy crawlies around the yard and on his Jeep that he has made.

Enzo disovered Sprite on this trip, and now we’ve had to come to an agreement that he only gets it occasionally as a special treat. 😉  Also… while I try to avoid the kindles at restaurants, at this point in our trip the kids got cranky pretty fast and this battle is one I chose not to fight.

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InnerActive Play Area

Last weekend the kids and I needed to get out of the house for a bit, so I had the brilliant idea to take them to an indoor play area so we could be out of the chill and also go earlier in the day. Everything is at least 30 minutes away from us, but most indoor play areas are further. Thankfully, however, a couple have popped up in that 30-40 minute range and so off we went!

Honestly I wasn’t sure what to expect at 10:30 on a Saturday morning, but my heart sank a bit when we drove up and the parking lot was packed.  I took a deep breath and warned the kids that a lot of other people were there.  We managed to find a cubby to put our things in and off we went to brave the play area and people. Immediately Enzo and I shared a look and he said, “There’s too many people, Mommy.”  Phoebe was not bothered, though, and took off running.  Even she had a few moments of panic, though, when she couldn’t spot me right away after getting off the slide.

We got used to the amount of people fairly quickly and to my pleasant surprise it started clearing out and the amount of noise and activity was more manageable.  We all were more comfortable and Enzo and Phoebe were all over.  It’s a pretty cool place too.

I didn’t get pictures of everything, but there’s a fairly large play area with slides and climbing toys as well as the favorite of both kids – the bouncy pillow. Both kids spent a lot of time on the slides and were having a blast.

Eventually I convinced the kids to take a break for snacks, which we had brought, and had to promise several times that we weren’t going to leave right away. For almost $8 a kid I had already decided we’d be here for a few hours. There wasn’t enough seating at actual tables, but we found a bench to sit at over by another play area that was for toddlers.  Then we had to go bounce on the bouncy pillow, which admittedly was a lot of fun. I was probably one of only 2 or 3 parents who was openly enjoying it.  There was also a big basketball court and a smaller soccer “field.”  Enzo was hooked on shooting baskets and got 5 while we were there. He was so proud of himself.

I have a feeling we’ll be going back there, especially whenever the temperatures drop.  They have monthly plans and yearly plans which is also nice, but I don’t think we’d be there often enough for one of those. Maybe if we lived a little closer.  For an un-staffed place, I was impressed at how clean it was and how involved parents were with their kids. Hardly anyone on their phones (except to take pictures) and everyone was respectful, which was a huge win for me.

At least we didn’t get a foot of snow?

I was supposed to get a lot done this week, but that didn’t happen.  Phoebe and Josh had a stomach bug, so our week was thrown out of whack a bit and never really turned around. On the bright side, our original forecast for today was almost a foot of snow, but I am pleased to report that we received none whatsoever. Unfortunately, our warmer temperatures have ceased, though. It’s been hard explaining to the kids why we could wear short sleeves and then suddenly it’s freezing again. You can see the looks of indignation on their faces and that really says what we all feel.

See that look, Mother Nature?  Enzo is displeased by the thought of snow in our future.  Also notice Phoebe happily skipping about in the background, absolutely clueless.  She was actually more unhappy about the cold weather this morning and made me go back inside to grab her blanket for the car ride.

I’ve promised the kids that I would take them to an indoor playground tomorrow. There are a couple that aren’t too far away, so I’m picking the one that looks like it has more space for them to run around like wild animals as opposed to the one that looks better for more crafty/imaginative play, which we can do easily enough at home.

Phoebe is excited to wear shoes that aren’t snow boots. She was ecstatic to show everyone her cute shoes that she was able to wear during our warm streak. Also ignore our mess of an entry way. I’m looking forward to summer if only so we won’t have gloves, boots, hats, and a million different jackets and hoodies scattered everywhere.

Okay, lets end this rambling session here and now.  Have a productive and fun weekend!  Or procrastinate like I enjoy doing and simply let dishes stack up and read a good book instead!