Tag Archives: balloons

Water Balloon Fight

Well, considering we’re almost to fall, I should probably enjoy these summer moments while they last.  The high is the in 50s today. The 50’s.  I’m not ready for fall and quite frankly, it gives me a bit of the sads when I even start to go there, so I won’t.

I had a lot of great intentions for summer this year, and then I’m not really sure what happened… I suppose we have been a bit busy and considering the kids had swimming lessons every Sunday for the majority of the summer that kind of explains why we didn’t do much else with water.  How can summertime be so short, though?  I feel like we really need to get in a few outside swimming days before the pools close, but that will depend entirely upon the weather. We did, however, have at least ONE decent water balloon fight.  I didn’t get any pictures during the fight since they both gained up on me multiple times, but it was a lot of fun.

Who knows, maybe we’ll have time to sneak in one last fight before the end of summer, and maybe we’ll even convince Josh to join us.