Week In Review – Sick With Lots of Legos

Happy Monday!

Linking up with Meghan from Clean Eats, Fast Feets for another Week in Review!

Last week was an interesting one.  It was rainy and kind of bleh and I managed to catch a summer cold from who knows where.  There’s nothing worse than spending two days in bed when you’re sick, am I right?  I knew my health was truly making a turn for the better when Phoebe told me I didn’t sound too weird anymore. Ha! Thankfully I had cats to keep me company during the day and at night the munchkins.

Lots of soup this week, though, and tea with honey and a touch of bourbon or rum in the evening.

It was also a really rough week for Phoebe’s Barbies and Princess dolls.  There was some major partying going on and for some reason most of them are not into wearing clothes anymore.

A video game arrived that I am very much looking forward to playing this Friday night on Twitch!

I was feeling better by Friday and on Saturday we started putting together a massive Lego Disney castle because it was finally on sale and oh so magical.

It is massive and still under construction since I haven’t had enough uninterrupted time to really make headway.

Vega has enjoyed hanging out in my office, however, so I guess there’s that. I haven’t been letting them in lately because one of them was peeing, so I’m taking my chances.

I also had to take Ziggy to the vet this weekend because it looked like she might have a UTI and they are indeed going to put her on antibiotics (I just got the call) because she had a really large amount of bacteria in her sample.  Thankfully she’s fairly cooperative even when being forced to do something she doesn’t like, whether it be taking medicine or getting a thermometer shoved up her butt.  Oh the indignity.