Uff. Da. This One’s for the Cats.

I think one of my least favorite things has to be a summer cold. Normally I would love to spend 2 days in bed, but I’d rather not be sick and I’d rather it be winter so it’s easier to get cozy.  That is my excuse for missing two days of blogging, not that anyone is keeping track aside from me.  If you are, however, keeping track, I do apologize for my absence.

At least the cats enjoyed my time at home this week, when I saw them, that is.  They all have their own spots that they prefer to nap, and only spent a small portion of time with me. Probably because I kept getting too hot and didn’t want a warm fuzzball making me even hotter.

The cats are all good, though, if just a tad nutty.  Ziggy has definitely been a little different lately and I’m assuming it might just be old age?  We have a litter box in our bathroom now so she doesn’t have to go all the way downstairs anymore. She’s been a lot more vocal as well, though and meowing to go outside on the deck a lot, which is really unlike her.

Even more unlike her is the fact that it’s rained and she’ll still go out on the deck not even caring. She seems fine, otherwise.  Uzi is very much just Uzi.  Cuddly as always and doesn’t care who gives him attention. He’ll gladly snuggle up to the kids if they’ll let him.

Vega is also very much Vega… into everything, but also very often my shadow.  She is very much still playful like a kitten, but is mellowing out ever so slightly, which is good since the kids are still iffy about her and the other cats are not fans of her wrestling proclivities since she outweighs them by double.

Poor Big Bertha… she gets no love. :p