Tag Archives: cats

Our Little Star

Thanks to Facebook and Timehop, I realized that this week marks two years of Vega being a part of our crazy family.  I can’t not acknowledge the momentous occasion, now can I?  Especially not after she has been repeatedly waking up each night to give me a very thorough bath.  I appreciate the attention, but couldn’t she just lay on my chest/head/etc. without the bathing part?

Like most young cats, she is into everything and loves to rub her face on anything she comes into contact with when she isn’t verifying that gravity still works by periodically testing the theory knocking items off of whatever she pleases.

She is obsessed with Bowser and can often be found near his enclosure. I’m sure she just wants to be his friend and she hasn’t once thought about chasing him and murdering him.

She is my shadow and while we are still working on her relationship with the kids, I don’t mind if she likes me best. Ha!  She has been warming up a lot more to Josh and is getting better about other people, so progress is good. I catch Uzi playing with her now and then and while she can be a pest at times, that moment of spontaneity (adopting her) was one my best.

Uff. Da. This One’s for the Cats.

I think one of my least favorite things has to be a summer cold. Normally I would love to spend 2 days in bed, but I’d rather not be sick and I’d rather it be winter so it’s easier to get cozy.  That is my excuse for missing two days of blogging, not that anyone is keeping track aside from me.  If you are, however, keeping track, I do apologize for my absence.

At least the cats enjoyed my time at home this week, when I saw them, that is.  They all have their own spots that they prefer to nap, and only spent a small portion of time with me. Probably because I kept getting too hot and didn’t want a warm fuzzball making me even hotter.

The cats are all good, though, if just a tad nutty.  Ziggy has definitely been a little different lately and I’m assuming it might just be old age?  We have a litter box in our bathroom now so she doesn’t have to go all the way downstairs anymore. She’s been a lot more vocal as well, though and meowing to go outside on the deck a lot, which is really unlike her.

Even more unlike her is the fact that it’s rained and she’ll still go out on the deck not even caring. She seems fine, otherwise.  Uzi is very much just Uzi.  Cuddly as always and doesn’t care who gives him attention. He’ll gladly snuggle up to the kids if they’ll let him.

Vega is also very much Vega… into everything, but also very often my shadow.  She is very much still playful like a kitten, but is mellowing out ever so slightly, which is good since the kids are still iffy about her and the other cats are not fans of her wrestling proclivities since she outweighs them by double.

Poor Big Bertha… she gets no love. :p

Photo Dump – Tea Parties, Dragons and More!

I have so many random photos from the past few weeks/months, so it feels like the perfect time to do another photo dump and figure out just where all my time has been going and because I wanted to save the pictures for reasons, but then they somehow never made it into a blog post, so here we go!

Can’t say that a book makes a very good pillow, but you know…

Not gonna lie, we’ve had a LOT of ice cream so far this summer.

Finally Josh joined us at the zoo!  Haha!

Playground break during carnival fun!

Phoebe had a picnic for her stuffed animals, and I included their names so no one is confused as to who is who.

Can’t have too many Bowser pictures, right?  He’s slowly growing!

The first and last time he held Bowser.  They get a little freaked out by his tiny claws.

Feed me, Hooman!

Best kitty ever.

Sleepy boy.

Before our pancakes were cooked.

Love when they bring me home colorful art!

He really is the best cat…

This one, however, is very naughty. 😉

The other reason for this photo dump is because I’ve just been really busy and distracted by other things.  Time to settle down and create a schedule for myself again, methinks!

Feline Shenanigans

Okay, it’s true… I have nothing to write about.  When in doubt, cats, right?  I think that’s preferable than whining about coming down with what is surely the flu since that’s what Enzo has/had.  The weather is equally dull and slightly depressing, so I’m not going to dwell on that either. Instead… cats.  I think I’m starting to figure Vega out. Okay, maybe not the peeing thing… I still have no idea why she pees in my office and still have to keep the door shut, but at least she’s not doing it anywhere else?

That being said, it’s funny how differently she treats me from everyone else.  Granted, Uzi and Ziggy have been around longer so they treat me and Josh pretty much the same, although Ziggy has a soft spot for Josh and his manly hands that give her a glorious belly rub.  Vega is starting to treat him more the same, but she reserves more of her personality for me.  She isn’t much of a talker, but will talk most often to me. She follows me into the bathroom almost every morning (much to Ziggy’s chagrin, as that’s her thing).  She’ll meow at me and sometimes try and paw open the shower curtain.  If I call for Josh or one of the kids, she’ll sometimes answer me instead. Haha!

My favorite, though, is that she treats me like a cat. I know exactly when she wants to play because she’ll chase me around like one of the cats until I grab a toy for her or play something else.  She even grabs my legs when I walk by and last night she nipped at me.  One day she’s going to kill us both when she tries to race me up the stairs, but it’s rather endearing nonetheless.  She and Uzi play somewhat more frequently, but still not all that often, and Vega still enjoys sitting on Ziggy and snuggling and giving her a bath.

We’re all pretty happy with our big Lump.  Okay, maybe not the other cats all the time (even if they are more spunky lately) and probably not the fish who she thinks are her own personal entertainment, but overall we like her. Now to get her to stop peeing in my office, destroying the carpet, and there you go!  Cat family complete!

Time for sun!

The weekend was cold and blustery, but we did venture out on Saturday for a bad movie day with friends, and then again on Sunday for some shopping. First, however, Josh decided to suprise me with breakfast again!

I admit, I was clueless at first when I started seeing some of the ingredients, but then when he pulled out the deep fryer – I knew. Monte Cristos! Josh decided instead of normal lunch Monte Cristos, to turn them into real breakfast sandwiches, so they were done with eggs, ham, and cheese. Most impressive of all was how he managed to run all of the stations he had set up at one time. 😉


I just tried to stay out of the way, flip bacon as needed and play with Ziggy. Who knew that plastic eggs could offer a cat hours of enjoyment?

Oh yeah, and because Josh wasn’t sure the sandwiches were enough, I threw together what we had in the cupboards and made a pear cobbler sort of thing that I baked in the oven. Nothing too impressive, but I can see how good it could be with fresh pears and perhaps a few other additions.

After stuffing ourselves completely, we headed out towards Target, and then made a quick detour. Twice a month or more, we drive past an antique store and finally decided to stop there as well as another antique store. I am now lusting after several vintage purses and a variety of other random items. We didn’t leave empty-handed, though! We found a Strawberry Shortcake glass to add to our collection of 80s cartoon glasses as well as this cute set of encylopedias from 1952 for Mothers and a 1930s Psychology book as well as a 1937 copy of Gone with the Wind.