I’ve decided to slowly dip my feet back into blogging… again. I go back and forth, but ultimately, I enjoy going back and having something to look through as far as pictures go and it gave me a nice fairly easy creative outlet and motivation to pick up the camera. In all honesty, I haven’t had much creative motivation in a while and I’d like to get that back. So, I’ll start slowly, and since I always have my phone with me, it’s easy enough to snap a photo a day, but more importantly over time I’ll get back to taking my time again. Everything feels rushed, and I’m attempting to slow down. I’m not sure when life started to feel like a race, but I’m realizing that rather than taking time to enjoy little things, I’m treating my days as though they are something to just get through and I eat too fast, I put pressure on myself to get a million things done and then procrastinate or otherwise and ultimately forget to find joy in my day at all unless by some happy accident.
So, this is my attempt to remind myself to slow down. I give you…

The sunset caught my eye as I was walking up the stairs… the picture doesn’t do it justice at all… of course.

My lunch of choice lately… can’t get enough.

7 Year checkups

The golden hour is my favorite.

I’m in the car a lot… it can be nice when I’m on my own, though.

Played some games, drank some beer.

He turned 7… crazy. He also asked for poop emoji cupcakes.

Surprisingly, Vega is part of my plan to keep Phoebe in her room at night. She loves Phoebe’s room and I’ve been convincing Phoebe that because Vega loves her room so much it’s clearly the best room in the house and if there was anything scary in there… she wouldn’t want to be in there all the time. Now to help them become besties…. I think it might happen.

Us before all the emotions of Avengers : End Game and Game of Thrones. That’s A LOT of stuff to cram in one day. No spoilers here. But End Game will stick with me for a long while.