Tag Archives: winter

At least we didn’t get a foot of snow?

I was supposed to get a lot done this week, but that didn’t happen.  Phoebe and Josh had a stomach bug, so our week was thrown out of whack a bit and never really turned around. On the bright side, our original forecast for today was almost a foot of snow, but I am pleased to report that we received none whatsoever. Unfortunately, our warmer temperatures have ceased, though. It’s been hard explaining to the kids why we could wear short sleeves and then suddenly it’s freezing again. You can see the looks of indignation on their faces and that really says what we all feel.

See that look, Mother Nature?  Enzo is displeased by the thought of snow in our future.  Also notice Phoebe happily skipping about in the background, absolutely clueless.  She was actually more unhappy about the cold weather this morning and made me go back inside to grab her blanket for the car ride.

I’ve promised the kids that I would take them to an indoor playground tomorrow. There are a couple that aren’t too far away, so I’m picking the one that looks like it has more space for them to run around like wild animals as opposed to the one that looks better for more crafty/imaginative play, which we can do easily enough at home.

Phoebe is excited to wear shoes that aren’t snow boots. She was ecstatic to show everyone her cute shoes that she was able to wear during our warm streak. Also ignore our mess of an entry way. I’m looking forward to summer if only so we won’t have gloves, boots, hats, and a million different jackets and hoodies scattered everywhere.

Okay, lets end this rambling session here and now.  Have a productive and fun weekend!  Or procrastinate like I enjoy doing and simply let dishes stack up and read a good book instead!

I see spring on the horizon!

We’ve had some incredibly warm days and while I know we also have some more wintry temperatures on the way, I am ecstatic that we are going to be in the 50s this weekend!  I have a feeling the kids will be just as excited to be outdoors and with that in mind, I suppose we’ll say our farewells to snow as it is unlikely to be memorable from here on out. We meant to get out in the snow more often this year, but it either iced over, got too cold, or we were busy doing other things, or there really wasn’t all that much of it.  It was a very mild winter overall…

I swear we only pulled out the snowblower a handful of times, and by we, I obviously mean Josh because feminism be damned – that’s men’s work as far as I’m concerned. Ha!

I’m looking forward to when the kids actually have more fun in the snow. Right now I think they only have a so-so amount of fun because gloves never fit right because for some reason no one has figured out how to make snow gloves/mittens that truly fit tiny hands without pissing off the wearer to the point where they just want to go back inside.

I think we were maybe outside for like 10-15 minutes this day before the kids were over it and ready to go back in the house. So we spent as much time outside as it takes to get them in their snow gear. Not really worth it in my opinion.

I’m really just more of a summer person… there’s no doubt about it.  Perhaps we’ll actually do more fun outside things next winter, but I think we’re all just looking forward to warmer temps sticking around. Even the cats have been thrilled about the warmer weather and I can’t wait until that first day we can really open up the windows and air out the house and do some deep cleaning.  Okay, so I could really care less about the cleaning, but fresh air sounds amazing.

Okay, enough weather talk.  In all honesty I feel like I’m just drawing a blank and don’t have much to say lately.  I’ve got a lot on my mind, but for some reason still feel like I’m dragging my feet and avoiding everything and I’m not sure why. How, oh how to get myself out of this… not really a funk per se, but general blasé attitude about everything.  I’m really hoping sunshine will help.