Fearsome Fours?

So, let’s be honest.  The Threes haven’t exactly been a cake walk.  Sure, we’ve had some amazing conversations and Phoebe’s personality has truly blossomed, but at the same time… oh man. You know what I’m talking about, right?  So many tantrums and so much drama.  I understand that it’s a difficult age and they’re learning about their feelings and emotions and blah blah blah.  I can’t tell you how tired I am of being called a Poopy Head or having to deal with the mood swings or the screaming all because I didn’t unbuckle her first or didn’t get her the right color of cup.

Even though I know it isn’t true, tell me that the Terrible Threes never turn into the Fearsome Fours or whatever it is you call it. Sigh.  Truly, I think that sex education classes should just ask parents to bring in their 2 and 3 year olds so that teens can get a taste of what they’d be experiencing should they decide not to practice safe sex.

I know, it’s exhausting and often exasperating, but it’s not all bad.  Phoebe and I do have some excellent imaginative discussions – often revolving her 5 children.  Apparently her second child who is named Watermelon (or is that her third child?) is the ornery one who often gets into trouble.

She also informed her teachers that she has dance class in the evenings… she doesn’t.  I’m looking into it, but right now there is a conflict with their swimming lessons and quite frankly all that stuff starts to get expensive.  We’ll have to stick with dance sessions in the living room and hope that keeps her somewhat happy for now.

Oh, this girl.  She’s going to keep us on our toes, I think.