Starting Solids

It’s been a fun few weeks introducing Phoebe to the world of solids… well, sort of.  Can you call pureed food a solid?  As with Enzo, we’re kind of doing our own version of baby led weaning by doing what is easiest for day care (as well as ourselves), but without limiting Phoebe too much. Much like Enzo, she’s the one who made it clear to all of us that she was ready to move beyond just bottles – she wasn’t finishing them and seemed bored and started reaching for our food. So, we thought we’d see how she did with some oatmeal, and she loved it!


We’ve since tried carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, avocado, bananas, pears, apples… the list goes on.  Most of them have been pureed, but we’ve also offered some whole foods as well.  We were actually surprised at just how quickly she started grabbing the spoon and from the get-go she was able to navigate it to her mouth.


While she’s at daycare, they typically feed her themselves – she’s one of many infants, but when she’s at home with us we generally load the spoon for her, and then bring it within her reach and she grabs it and puts it in her mouth.  She’s been eager to try larger chunks of food as well, and we’ve let her experience several of them, but I’ll save that for another post.


The most suprising thing is that we haven’t really run into anything yet that she has no interest in.  With Enzo there were a few foods he just had no interest in (like avocado) and sometimes peas, but this little girl has been willing to eat them all.  I really hope that’s a great sign of things to come.


In the meantime, maybe she can show her big brother that trying new foods is totally cool and he should do the same. 😉
