Ta Da!

It’s certainly not perfect and there are still a lot of little changes I need to make, but here we are… the new blog with name change since there are no longer three of us and I wanted something I wouldn’t have to change again. The banner is a little cutesy right now, but I’m hoping to have someone draw something a lot better soon!

In the meantime, for anyone who follows me, you now want to follow: www.dinosandbunnies.com.

And now to go catch up on a plethora of things. How can it be a new year and already I feel like I have so much to catch up on? Between sick kids and apparently too much relaxing via reading and watching shows, I now need to get back on track. I’m actually looking forward to getting back into a routine again, though I will miss not working. 😉 Oh, to be a lady of leisure.

2 thoughts on “Ta Da!

  1. Mom

    I love it, if you want drawings you should ask your brother-in-law he did the dinosaurs in Dustin’s bedroom. I can hardly wait for the new posts.

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