Tag Archives: facts

Random Facts About Me…

Because… why not?  Maybe it’s slightly cheating, but I’m still writing, right?

Random Things about Me

  • I will never own an electric knife because of the movie Maximum Overdrive. You know the one, right? Fairly cheesy where all the machines (electric and gas operated) turn on everyone?  Well, for some reason the electric knife scene has stayed with me…
  • I have a serious case of cute aggression. I want to squeeze the fluff out of all of the adorable cute, cuddly soft things!!!
  • Water is not my favorite thing to drink and I’m really particular about the taste. I can’t drink water if it’s a day old or has been sitting out (hello, dust) and not all bottled water is considered equal. The only bottled water I like is Fiji (I mostly drink tap water, but prefer it to be filtered and ice cold). Dasani is one of my least favorite bottled waters.  I’m a water diva, what can I say?
  • I have been dyeing my hair since I was 12/13ish… I think the longest stretch I’ve gone without coloring it was when I was pregnant. It all began when my mom wouldn’t let me color my hair, so I grabbed all the red Kool-Aid in the house, mixed it with water in a big bowl and stuck my head in the bowl for half an hour.  She wasn’t happy when I walked out of my room with my new locks.
  • I want a small hobby farm one day with bees, rabbits and chickens/ducks and maybe a goat or two.
  • I have a major fear of any kind of apocalypse or major disaster actually happening. The idea of a major World War freaks me out and I rarely watch doomsday movies (unless they are super cheesy) because they give me extreme anxiety and suddenly I find myself on Survivalist websites and planning a bunker and making lists of what we need and where we should live should a zombie apocalypse occur.
  • I have a hard time saying “No.” Of course I want to round up for that charity and every charity. Of course I want a pound of coffee so I can get a free coffee because that totally make sense.  Yes, sell me lipstick. Of course I want to buy perfume out of the trunk of your car because that seems totally legit (it did actually smell like the designer stuff too!!).  Yes, random kid who can smell a sucker a mile away, I will absolutely buy a gallon of the cleaner you’re selling just so you’ll leave.
  • I’m an INFJ.
  • My ideal afternoon would be spent lounging under a massive tree in the most perfect of prairies, reading a book. When I’m driving, I always notice trees and one day I am going to have a house on acreage with gently rolling hills and amazing trees for picnics and lazy afternoon reading/day dreaming sessions.