Tag Archives: organic

CSA Update!

In all honesty, I don’t think it would be very hard for me to become a vegetarian.  While I do eat meat, I think giving it up would be easier for me than say, giving up wine. Haha!  That being said, we do eat meat and no one else in the house wants to give it up, so at the very least, I wanted to find an option that made me feel less icky about it. We’ve all seen and heard the articles about how animals are treated, so I’m not going there, but it’s always in the back of my mind and because of that we try to buy organically, but not all the time.  Well, I decided that wasn’t enough, and decided to join a CSA for meat.  If you’re going to eat meat, then grass-fed and organic seems to be the best option. I like knowing where my food is coming from and in turn we also help our local farming community, which seems like a plus.  Also, farm fresh eggs!

Everything has tasted so good.  We’ve had ribs, steaks, brats (different flavors) and burgers and we’re looking forward to chicken in July!

The eggs are also fantastic!  They’re creamier, the colors are also fun, and I like seeing the chickens just out and about when I go pick up from the farm. This is how it should be!!

On that note, it’s been a heck of a technology week, so… over and out!

Buy happy food!