Weekly Prompt – Current State

I am once again participating in Sometimes Sweet’s weekly journal prompts (they’re back!), and this week the prompt is:

This week, write a “State of Me” address. Write about how you’re really doing- what you’ve been thinking, what you’ve been up to. What have you accomplished lately? Where is there room for growth? Where are you right now in life and where are you headed? Current joys, currents sadness…write it all out. Discuss the current state of YOU. 


When all is said and done, I’m actually doing really well.  I’ve had a lot on my mind, so I’m not sure where to begin when it comes to spilling it all.  Maybe a list would be better?  A free-flowing stream of thought that jumps all over the place since that’s just how my brain actually works?

I feel really good now that I’m not taking any medications of any kind… no anti-depressants, no hormonal birth control, no… anything. I do, however, need to take vitamins and whatnot because I keep getting this recurring cough, that Phoebe and I keep passing back and forth. Or maybe it’s something else, and then I wonder if there’s something in our house and then I freak myself out because surely we have toxic black mold.

I’ve been thinking a lot about travel and trips we should take with the kids when they’re young (and older).  I want to include our kids in our adventures and not save the best ones for when they aren’t with us. For now, I think a big extended family trip to someplace like Disney World would be awesome, and when they’re older – Europe.

My garden is sad… so sad. Something is eating all the good stuff to a point where my corn doesn’t stand a chance now, maybe one sunflower might be okay, and my pumpkins/squash will hopefully be okay. The strawberries get eaten as soon as they’re ripe enough to pick… I give up!  I’ll be putting up pest prevention measures next year.  At least the tomatoes and salad stuff on the deck are okay.

I want to make some changes… a variety of changes all across the board. Some big, some small, some important, and some not so important… like changing the color of a wall.  I think it’s time to take on some big projects and some small ones and quit waiting for my motivation to show up and just tackle one thing at a time whether I want to or not.  I’m not sure where my motivation has been hiding, but I’ve been reading ‘Feel the Fear and do it Anyway’ and while it can be cheesy, it’s also kind of helpful.

Oh reading… I used to do so much, and now I hardly seem to read at all.  There’s a severe lack of time and more often than not I end up watching something on Netflix or attempt to work on a project, and maybe read a few pages.  I know I’d get so much more done if I cut back on my Netflix, but sometimes after a long day… it’s nice to just sit and get lost in a show for a bit.  One of my changes is priorities, though, and TV is not going to be one of them.

Which brings me to health… I need to work on overall health and wellness and be a good example for the kids.  It’s easy to fall into a rut with busy schedules, but it needs to be done. I want to feel better, and think it’ll be good overall. Now, if we could just get the mosquitoes to go away so we could actually play outside and enjoy our yard… I get eaten alive and it’s driving me crazy.

Perhaps it’s time to start weighing options as far as a move goes.  I don’t want to rush anything since I want to find that “perfect” spot that we’ll want to stay in for the long term.  I do know that that place is not Minnesota, though.  I miss mountains and love Colorado, but I’m not sure that’s the answer either. I’m kind of thinking it’s some place I haven’t been yet, which means all the more reason to get out there and explore!

2 thoughts on “Weekly Prompt – Current State

  1. Joanne

    I am the same with Netflix! When I know I’d feel so much better about my life choices if I picked up a book. but the new season of orange is the new black is just so alluring….

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