16 Weeks

Well, technically closer to 17 at this point – the weeks change on Tuesdays, but it’s easier to take pictures on the weekend. I’m going to try and be better about weekly photos, since with Enzo I took one a week and should do the same for the Burrito. I feel pretty good for the most part. I had another checkup on Tuesday and heard the baby’s heartbeat again, but also got the go ahead to schedule the 20 week anatomy ultrasound, which happens to fall during the 4th of July week, which will be a short one, so we’ll see if we actually get it done that week or not.  I also found out this week that I have an umbilical hernia… yay.  I’m not too worried because I haven’t had any pain so I won’t be getting it fixed until sometime next year – long after the baby is born.

 Week 16

As for the house, it’s slowly coming together.  It’s amazing how little time there is in the evenings what with getting a little play time in with Enzo before dinner and then before you know it it’s bath time and bedtime for the little man and 8:00.  I’ll usually get a few things shuffled around, and minor work done, but I get tired pretty quickly and find it hard to stay up past 9:30 – if that.  One day, it’ll all get organized… one day.


Josh and I did, however, get to go on a date last night, which was very nice.  Just being able to sit back and have a relaxing meal and just talk was the best way the evening could have been spent.  So often we’re rushing through dinner it seems, so last night was a wonderful treat.  It was actually the first night we haven’t tucked Enzo in ourselves… usually when we’ve gone out it’s been earlier in the day so we’re back in time for bedtime, so it was also nice to be out past 7:00pm. :p


So, here’s to really huge bellies (let’s hope I don’t get as big as I did with Enzo), and date nights.  We actually have a good one planned for the weekend after next!