2 Years

I think I can easily that the past two years have gone by more quickly than any previous years. Enzo was our parenting test dummy, so we felt pretty confident when Phoebe came along. It’s true what they say, you become much more relaxed with your second and it also helps that she has always been a fairly mellow gal.  There is so much to say about this girl of ours that we all love so much.


She has a great sense of humor, even if it is a fairly naughty one.

She is loving and a great cuddler.

She is very independent and as is fairly typical of this age, we hear a lot of, “I do it!”

She loves music and singing and dancing.

Her favorite songs to sing are the Alphabet Song and Bah Bah Black Sheep.

She loves reading.  Right now she enjoys reading to me more than she enjoys listening.

She loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Paw Patrol.

Her favorite colors are pink and purple.

She loves poofy skirts and shoes (especially new ones).

She is very active and is a bit of a daredevil.

Her favorite movie right now is Inside Out.

She loves chocolate milk and pancakes.

She’s so smart and her teachers have commented on her vocabulary and what a quick learner she is.

She likes to paint and color.

She has an eyebrow raising sassy side that is also somehow endearing.

She loves her big brother, but also knows just what buttons to push and enjoys it a bit too much.

While independent, she is also very much a mama’s girl and there are days where no one except mama will do.

She’s a warm weather gal, and winter is not her favorite.


Phoebe has definitely been a shining light in our household full of mixed personalities.  We can usually count on her goofy grin and silly antics to make us laugh.  She and Enzo are such a great duo and I hope their good relationship continues.  The two of them have us in stitches at times and I can only imagine what the next year will bring.  Happy 2nd, Phoebe!  You are now officially much more expensive to take on flights. 😉
