Girl Time

We try to do things separately with the kids now and then so they each get their one on one time with us. Sometimes it’s planned, and sometimes someone gets cranky and misbehaves big time and rather than completely throwing all plans out the window, one of us just takes whichever munchkin is still ready to go.  This happened a few weekends ago when Enzo was just having a rough day, so Phoebe and I went to a local orchard.

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I took some photos with my cell phone of our little jaunt and it was a surprisingly nice day out.  It got a little chilly as the sun started going down, but we made the most of no jackets for as long as possible.  First we checked out some horses and then we wandered around and found a little play area.

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It wasn’t overly busy, which was nice, and there was another little girl who was probably around 3 or 4 and was playing with Phoebe on the slides.  She kind of wanted to boss Phoebe around a bit, but Phoebe would just kind of look at her like, “Who are you?” and turn around and do her own thing. I can’t tell you how many times she went down the slide… not the twisty one, the other one. She’s still on the fence about the twisty one.

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The Luce Line Orchard was also the spot of a local tornado touchdown over the summer, and was a little close for comfort to our house.  The Orchard is about 2 minutes away from our house and due to where it’s located, even closer than that.  Granted, it wasn’t a big tornado, but it was still crazy to see the damage the winds caused and where it touched down.

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Next time I’ll have to see about taking Enzo out with me. He’s usually a really good shopper and after he did so well at the movie theater, we’ll have to see about either his Dad or I taking him to see another one.  Phoebe didn’t completely last for her first movie, she came close, but towards the end she got squirmy and wanted to run, so I had to take her out for a bit.

Now that the weather is changing we’ll have fewer outings, but I’m adamant that we go sledding this year!  The kids are all about hot cocoa, and you can’t have sledding without hot cocoa. 😉

One thought on “Girl Time

  1. Sharon

    What fun, I remember when you guys were little it was really hard to have each of you with alone time. Daniel being so much younger then you guys was a bit different but it seemed like we always did things together, alone time would have been good once in awhile. 🙂

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