Do you ever have those weeks… I’ll just stop myself because of course you do! Well, it’s been one of those weeks. I’ve fallen asleep early with the kids at least 2 or 3 times which means I’ve gotten nothing done in the evening. I’ve barely picked up my camera and haven’t bothered to transfer photos off of it or off my phone. I think I have about a million little tasks to do and about… zero motivation. Okay, I have motivation, but by the time I get home, it’s already getting dark and then suddenly it’s time to get the kids in bed and they’re so snuggly… and if I do manage to stay awake I stumble out into the living room by 8-8:30 and usually one or two cats wants to cuddle on the couch and before I know it I’m watching TV and have convinced myself that everything can wait “just one more day.”
I’m attributing it to daylight savings. It always takes me a while to adjust to change, and the sudden decrease in daylight in the evening will definitely take some getting used to… like every year. So, I shall give myself a break until this weekend and then major cleaning and tidying up needs to happen. (Maybe I can work myself up to it and actually make it sound exciting, you know?) Or, I’ll pull a Phoebe….
Well it is true, the work will always be there and I agree I am having a hard time adjusting to the time change, I really hate it in fact. You are not alone.