And… we’re back.

We have returned safely from the warmth of sunny California to the cold embrace of gray Minnesota.  I’m not sure why people bother traveling to warmer places in the winter when it’s twice as depressing to return and then you have to get used to the cold all over again and sadly put away all warm weather attire for who knows how many more months.  Rant over, and California post to come.  In the meantime, how about a post with just random pictures I took and only slightly have something to do with anything?


For me, the hardest thing about coming back from vacation is… everything. Bags are unpacked, though, and half the laundry is done as well as shopping.  The kids managed to give the house that nice lived-in feel within hours of being home, so it’s almost as if we never left.


I think this morning was rough on all of us, partly because of the time change and partly because who wants to go to work/day care after so much playtime?  Both kids found bedtime to be difficult last night, so Josh had to rock Phoebe to sleep for a while, and Enzo watched some Downton Abbey with me. The stinker couldn’t have been more adorable as he quietly watched with me, sneaking little smiles at me every so often.

Anyhoo, I have (very few… whoops) pictures to upload and lots to think about after our trip, as well as Phoebe’s 15 month check-up tomorrow, so life goes on and off I go!