So far we’ve been unable to go camping this year, so Josh and I decided to try again this 4th of July weekend since it was 4 days. The plan was to arrive Thursday afternoon/evening and then head out Saturday morning.
Admittedly, the day started out a little rocky and had Josh and I worried since Enzo was being unusually cranky, and wondered whether or not we should call it off. We decided to press forward, though, and had a very loooong drive with a toddler who did not want to be in the car – at all. He perked up once we finally arrived at the campsite, though, and I was hopeful. Our campsite was right next to a river, so Enzo and I peeked at that and then I let him stretch his legs a bit. We sprayed ourselves with bug spray since the mosquitoes were out and about, and hoped for the best as they seemed manageable at the time.
We are so glad we got our extra large tent. It is incredibly nice to be able to stand up in it, and it was great to have a sleeping area and a separate play area for Enzo (built-in screen porch). We didn’t realize just how handy this would be until more and more mosquitoes started to appear – thankfully not until after dinner, though.
When the bugs came out, Enzo and I headed inside the tent. While he seemed to be avoiding being bitten, I was getting bitten left and right so he was happy to play for a while and watch his Dada through the screen. Surprisingly he was happy to just keep himself busy while I got to read a book and despite having only had a short morning nap, the kid kept running around until it finally got dark enough to get him to sleep at 10:00. I tried to join Josh outside at the fire, but it was a no-go with the bugs.
The next morning we woke up to a light sprinkle and the unfortunate realization that the mosquitoes were twice as bad as the night before. Enzo wasn’t super happy with breakfast in the tent and Josh and I decided to pack it up and go home. There was no way we could stay inside all day with the kiddo – he was bored and while the tent is big, it’s not big enough or entertaining enough for a toddler.
So, that was camping. It made me miss camping in Colorado and Utah even more than I already did… the mosquitoes seem nonexistent in comparison to here and you don’t have the humidity either. Oh well, one day. In the meantime, we may just have to forget about summer camping here.
You have a very good helper there though.
I also love the way he is looking at you eating the hotdog, it’s like uh mom that’s mine 🙂 he is so cute.