Can it be Spring?

Yeah, I’m a little done with Winter… the cold is not my friend and it means there aren’t nearly as many things to do outside.  It also doesn’t help that Josh is still healing from his surgery and isn’t up for long walks indoors. Sure, Enzo and I could probably do stuff by ourselves, and I’ll take him shopping with me, but it’s much easier when you’ve got two people.

Really, though, we have  a pretty easy baby.  I mean, he even sleeps in on the weekends, and always has.


Sure, that could probably change one day, but I think I’ll just appreciate that he sleeps in until 8:00 or 8:30 for now, which means I can get up a little earlier if I want to and drink my coffee and read or more likely do some tidying up, and occasionally peek in on that sweet little face.

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