Category Archives: currently



I started filling this out earlier in the day, but as the day has progressed I’m going to have to give the day and perhaps January the following rating:

Reading… Mr. Mercedes, The Book of Speculation, Raising Your Spirited Child

Watching… The OA, Moana videos over and over per the kids

Listening to… Moana soundtrack… over and over per the kids

Drinking… Way too much coffee. I think it’s time to cut back and drink more tea and water.

Eating… All of the comfort foods, especially Banana Bread when I make the time to actually make it.

Planning… Our Spring road trip!!

Feeling… A mix of emotions. I don’t necessarily feel unmotivated, but I feel like I have energy that I don’t know what to do with.  I don’t know what exactly I want to be doing, and can’t seem to stay focused on much. Reading I can do, though, so I do a lot of that.

Exercising… Yeah, one of these days when I have time and motivation.

Loving… My new office switch-up. I’m sure I’ll love it even more once I get everything where it needs to be.

Thankful… That the kids have been doing really good at their new preschool, but also glad that insurance agreed to approve Enzo’s Occupational Therapy.  He’s excited about it and I’m hoping it’ll help us all.

Stressed… Because our car is dead. Now to talk to our dealership and see what deal they can work out with us because we still owed money on our 5-year-old car.  A total freak thing random thing. Not sure what’s up with our recent run of bad luck…

Trying… To remain optimistic. There must be a silver lining in this.

Wish us luck on the car front and Happy Weekend all!



(Haha – I don’t even have any current photos to use today.  I suppose I should get on that… eventually).

Reading… Still mainly reading A Breath of Snow and Ashes.

Watching… Poldark, The Crown, Westworld

Listening to… Music on our Amazon Dot.

Drinking… Tis the season for Egg Nog!  Sweet delicious awesomeness.

Eating… So many fattening, not very good for you treats that tend to be everywhere this time of year.

Planning… So many things. What to read next year, the massive road trip we want to take, and oh yeah, a New Year’s Eve game night.

Feeling… COLD. The temperatures have dropped and winter is here.  We got around 8 inches of snow over the weekend and lovely hoarfrost everywhere.  I do love the way it looks on the trees.

Exercising… Not even a little bit.  I’m too busy and cold and will get to that next month.

Organizing… my office… again. We are rearranging the downstairs yet again.  What can I say? It’s a sickness. Haha!

Thankful… For a great deal.  It’s so easy to think about what you don’t have or what is difficult, but in reality there is so much more to be thankful for.

Loving… Snuggling up under twinkle lights with a book, baking yummy treats, snuggles with the munchkins who get extra cozy when it’s cold out.

Looking forward to… November 2017. We are registered for Tol-Con and are planning to fully immerse ourselves into Middle Earth.  I’m thinking with so much time I might try and put together both of our costumes completely from scratch.


The leaves are gone, so I’d better post these fall pictures before fall is over.


Reading… Empire of Storms, In the Unlikely Event, and about to start A Breath of Snow and Ashes – it’s official, I’m an Outlander FAN. I’ve joined a group on Facebook and everything.

Watching… Poldark, Supergirl (Enzo is also a fan)

Listening to… Pandora… everything from classical and chakra clearing to Sia and beyond.

Drinking… Tea!  I’ve been sticking to one cup of coffee in the morning and tea the rest of the day if I need something hot.

Eating… Gingersnap cookies – Took Phoebe to IKEA, she hated the snack I brought her and insisted on a tin of Gingersnap cookies instead. Diva.

Planning… The next 2 months. They go by fast and there’s always a lot to do. Doctor’s appointments, get-togethers, you name it.

Celebrating… The day of Phoebe’s birth (on the 12th). How can she be three???

Exercising… Not nearly as often as I should. I’ve started doing some yoga with the kids, though, and their flexibility is far greater than mine.

Organizing… The kids rooms especially, but I want to get a handle on toys everywhere too.

Appreciating… The nice weather we’ve been having! We were in short sleeves… in November… in Minnesota!!

Loving… Reading, I’ve been doing a lot less TV watching so I can read more. I haven’t even really felt the urge to watch anything lately.

Looking forward to… Purging and organizing!!  I want to deep-clean before the cold sets in and fully

Pondering… My next steps and how to finish a few things before the end of the year.

Nervous… About the kids starting at a new preschool.  Change is hard, but I’m hopeful. I think the hardest change will be on our bank account. Kind of amazing that they had availability, though, when other places I looked have waiting lists through September 2017. I call it a sign.



Well, I haven’t done one of these in a while. Currently, I feel like there isn’t enough time in the day and I feel like I’m playing a constant game of Dodgeball and losing. Just when you think you’re safe – BAM! Ball to the face.


Currently :

Reading… The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon and The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

Watching… The Missing and rewatching Outlander

Listening to… Lots of Pandora and Spotify, especially on days when I get a clothing shipment in and need something in the background while I’m up late.

Drinking… Boxed wine. I’m classy like that.

Eating… Too many carbs.  I will never give up bread.

Planning… Ahead.  Financially, mentally, physically… you name it.

Celebrating… The day of my birth soon.  I’m taking the day off and plan on spending it sipping coffee and/or tea and reading. ALL DAY. Also… there’d better be some form of cake.

Exercising… When I can. Most often I get in my steps running up and down the stairs and here and there.

Organizing… The entryway, the pantry, my office, the garage… I’m always moving stuff around. I enjoy a certain amount of “clutter” but things are out of control!!

Appreciating… Whatever changes have occurred that have left us with a much happier boy. He’s not having nearly as many “bad” days in preschool as he was before and we’ve been letting him know how proud we are of him when he handles a difficult situation well.

Loving… The colors changing and slight nip in the air. I love this time when you can still wear short sleeves and shorts during the day, but require a light sweater in the morning or evening.

Looking forward to… the rest of the year. I do love September-December.

Pondering… All of the things. Where I want my life to go, what my long-term goals are, you name it.

How about some Snapchat updates too?  Might as well throw those in the mix!  I’ve been really, really bad lately about taking pictures of any kind, snapchatting or instagramming. Whoops.

^^Ha ha, I laughed pretty hard after this happened and tried to explain to Enzo that it wasn’t a big deal, but underestimated how much it scared him and how much he doesn’t like the feeling of flour.

Happy Friday!



I seriously love Fridays.  I wish I could bottle the way I feel on Fridays and hand it out to people who are feeling blah.


The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.  I can’t believe I didn’t pick this up sooner. I’m not very far into yet, but the writing is really good so far.


Just finished Stranger Things and want more so badly! We’ll just have to continue watching Supernatural, I guess.  I’m also watching The Great British Bake-Off because it is my absolute favorite. I’ve also been watching the second season of Jane the Virgin as well.


The feeling of anticipation I have for things to come.  I want it now!  Ha ha.  I’m also really looking forward to Monday because I’m taking the day off and treating myself to a little something.  It shall be glorious!


How to cram so many things into the last days of summer.  How is it almost August already?  Before we know it the State Fair and Renaissance Festival will be upon us and then fall and suddenly we don’t have nearly enough time on our hands for anything!


For my phone to ring!  I don’t think I’ve ever been so anxious and impatient in my life.


Stress and sales at Target made me cave and I bought all of the ice cream and then proceeded to eat it all. I’m bloated and sad now.  I don’t think it was worth it. Now that that’s out of my system, it’s time to find other ways to deal with stress… wine?  Sure, if you insist!


My business space at home. It’s definitely a work in progress, but I’m excited to get things ready for my inventory when it comes.  The hard part will be not keeping everything that’s in my size. Ha ha.

Happy Friday!  I hope your weekend is amazing!