Well, I haven’t done one of these in a while. Currently, I feel like there isn’t enough time in the day and I feel like I’m playing a constant game of Dodgeball and losing. Just when you think you’re safe – BAM! Ball to the face.
Currently :
Reading… The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon and The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
Watching… The Missing and rewatching Outlander
Listening to… Lots of Pandora and Spotify, especially on days when I get a clothing shipment in and need something in the background while I’m up late.
Drinking… Boxed wine. I’m classy like that.
Eating… Too many carbs. I will never give up bread.
Planning… Ahead. Financially, mentally, physically… you name it.
Celebrating… The day of my birth soon. I’m taking the day off and plan on spending it sipping coffee and/or tea and reading. ALL DAY. Also… there’d better be some form of cake.
Exercising… When I can. Most often I get in my steps running up and down the stairs and here and there.
Organizing… The entryway, the pantry, my office, the garage… I’m always moving stuff around. I enjoy a certain amount of “clutter” but things are out of control!!
Appreciating… Whatever changes have occurred that have left us with a much happier boy. He’s not having nearly as many “bad” days in preschool as he was before and we’ve been letting him know how proud we are of him when he handles a difficult situation well.
Loving… The colors changing and slight nip in the air. I love this time when you can still wear short sleeves and shorts during the day, but require a light sweater in the morning or evening.
Looking forward to… the rest of the year. I do love September-December.
Pondering… All of the things. Where I want my life to go, what my long-term goals are, you name it.
How about some Snapchat updates too? Might as well throw those in the mix! I’ve been really, really bad lately about taking pictures of any kind, snapchatting or instagramming. Whoops.
^^Ha ha, I laughed pretty hard after this happened and tried to explain to Enzo that it wasn’t a big deal, but underestimated how much it scared him and how much he doesn’t like the feeling of flour.
Happy Friday!