After a rough January, I decided I needed to see some family, and since I haven’t seen my mom or sister since Enzo’s birth, it seemed like a good idea to visit one of them… so both my mom and I flew to Colorado Springs to stay with my sister, brother-in-law, niece and nephew. As a bonus, my brother and his wife drove up from Durango.
Enzo was super excited to meet his cousins, and he and Dustin were immediately smitten and buddies. Aubrey warmed up pretty quickly to Enzo and they all got along pretty well considering the age differences. It was funny to see Aubrey treat Enzo like one of her baby dolls and Dustin was like a big brother showing him all kinds of fun stuff.
Because of the nice weather (I miss Colorado weather and warm winter days) we were able to go to the zoo. You can tell how excited Enzo is about his first trip to the zoo. :p
I think he had fun and he’d look curiously at a lot of the animals, like the giraffes. I think he was also just busy taking in all of the people as well. It was fun, though, and we got to see a baby giraffe as well as a baby gorilla! So cute!
Their tiger exhibit was also really neat – she was really close to the fence at one point and came right up to see everyone. So close that people had to move because she was… er… spraying everything. A lady she’s not.
As for the flight getting there… it wasn’t nearly as bad as I though it would be even though we were one of the last to board because we arrived a bit later then we meant to. Enzo was a little squirmy and then dozed off for the entire flight. The flight back? That was a different story. The wee man is teething and refused to nap… if you ever want to know what it’s like to fly with The Hulk in baby form, this was pretty close. Would it have been different had Josh been there? Maybe not, but it might have been easier to handle with two.
Maybe the little man was just sad to have left his buddies behind, which doesn’t surprise me. He’s a pretty social kiddo, and considering how much he likes his friends at day care, it’s no wonder he was thrilled to have friends to play with that he didn’t have to leave at the end of the day.
We’re getting a little back on schedule now, though teething is still making him a little cranky and he isn’t napping much. Plus, he may have gotten used to sharing a room with me as ever since we’ve come home he’s woken up in the middle of the night and not wanted to go to sleep… until we bring him to bed with us and he almost immediately passed out. Yeah, probably not a good habit to get into, but… it’s only temporary? :p
Most parents will agree with you, to get sleep you will do almost anything, bringing the baby to bed with you right now is not the end of the world and they will eventually sleep through the night, not in your bed but their own 🙂