We just got back from vacation on Monday, but before I recap how that went, I figured I should get caught up on what we (or Enzo rather) has been up to since he’s about to turn 10 months old in a week.
The boy keeps us on our toes pretty much from the second he wakes up to the second he falls asleep. Granted, he doesn’t always wake up easy…
But once he does, he’s all smiles and is ready for play time. Right now the biggest thing he is working on is walking. He’s getting really good at standing and pulling himself up on things, but isn’t quite ready to take those first steps alone – not that I’m complaining. I’m not ready for him to start running all over the place yet. :p
Otherwise, he seems to enjoy his books even if we don’t always finish them. I’m just glad he likes to pull them out and already seems to have his favorites.
While he isn’t big on stacking cups or anything by himself, he likes to watch Josh build them up so he can knock them down.
This boy is a handful, but I love his sense of humor and personality. I have a feeling we’re in trouble once he really gets moving!
He is so cute 🙂