Tag Archives: swimming

Water, Water, Everywhere

I think we’re down to only one lesson left of swimming for the kids.  At least for now.  We’ll enroll them into the next level as soon as registration opens since we don’t want them to lose momentum at all!  Has it been worth it?  Ultimately, they may not have learned much this time around, but it’s amazing how much more willing to try new things kids are when someone besides their parents asks them to.  They’re putting their mouths in the water, blowing bubbles, willingly getting their ears and heads wet… it’s a big step forward for sure.

Soon enough they’ll be able to rescue me if I fall into deep water!  Haha!  In all seriousness I should probably work on my lack of swimming skill. I can do your basic back float and some kind of strokes, but I can’t tread water and honestly have a slight fear of deep water anyway.  All the more reason to make sure our kids know how to swim!