Week In Review – Cats do land on their feet!

Happy Monday!

Linking up with Meghan from Clean Eats, Fast Feets for another Week in Review!

WEEK IN REVIEW (in no particular order)

I feel like this past week wasn’t really all that productive, but it went by quickly and I don’t remember much in particular.

  • Managed to lose my Fitbit for a few days, but thankfully found it again. I think I’d prefer one of the wrist ones… it seems like I’d be less likely to misplace it.
  • Did a lot of reading this week, and it’s apparently rubbing off on Phoebe as I can no longer leave my books out where she can reach them. I love that she loves books, though – both of them really!

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  • We cleaned the garage.
  • I organized our downstairs pantry/misc. closet
  • Went shopping with Phoebe in matching leggings, and yes, pre-kids I was one of those people who always said that was something she’d never do to her kids.

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  • One of my ideas for under our deck was to add rocks and whatnot since it’s so soggy, but after Vega managed to fall off the deck yesterday I’m not sure I want to. I think the constantly squishy ground was probably what helped her walk away uninjured. Granted, I know cats have survived much worse falls, but still.

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Happy Monday!

One thought on “Week In Review – Cats do land on their feet!

  1. Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets

    I’m glad the kitty is a-ok. I had a cat who somehow jumped out of our third story apartment and was totally fine!! I have no idea how he managed to do it, but thank god he was good.

    Cleaning the garage is no easy feat, at least not if you’ve seen my garage. 🙂

    It’s awesome Pheobe loves books. I’m hoping Ave is a book worm too.

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