Week in Review – Cupcakes and Ikea

Happy Monday!

Linking up with Meghan from Clean Eats, Fast Feets for another Week in Review!

WEEKLY RANDOM ACCOMPLISHMENTS (in no particular order)

  • Getting some extra sleep in. My body clearly needed it after falling asleep with Phoebe at 7:30 on Monday night and then when Josh tried to wake me up I just kind of stumbled into our bed and seriously did not want to move. I was half asleep as he laughed and turned off lights for me and don’t think I moved again until 4:00 or so.
  • Worked on the downstairs some more. It’s a constant thing right now as I figure out where to move stuff.

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  • Went to Ikea with Phoebe to get a rug (they have the best cheap ones) for my office and we got the kids an easel with the money we got from selling their other drawing table that they fought over and didn’t use that often.

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  • Went for my first lunchtime walk of the year and… got hives. HIVES again. It looks like one of my main triggers is the cold, and Cold Uriticaria is a thing. Anywhere the cold wind really hit had hives or was puffy and itchy and red like my arms, my chest and my scalp. Awesome. On the plus side, I now have a valid reason to move somewhere warmer!
  • Spent way too much money on delicious April Fools cupcakes. The Unicorn Poop ones were definitely worth it.  They were all kinds of rainbowy goodness.  So many good flavors!  Red Velvet (with or without glass) is always a favorite, though.


  • Showed Phoebe the joys of shelling peas. Once Enzo heard how much fun she was having, he joined us at the end. Granted, they still didn’t want to eat the Shepherd’s Pie that the peas went into. 😉

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  • Finished reading Winter by Marissa Meyer and then sort of watched Crimson Peak. Alas, I didn’t think it was all that great.  I love Tom Hiddleston, but don’t like a lot of gore and the story wasn’t all that great either.
  • Put on my Fitbit again.  I haven’t been using it as regularly lately, and now with the weather starting to warm up I’m feeling inspired to do more walking and work on getting my steps in. I got over 12,000 on Sunday!

And that’s all I got.  Let the week begin!

2 thoughts on “Week in Review – Cupcakes and Ikea

  1. Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets

    Great job on getting the extra sleep. Sometimes our bodies just know.

    Bummer on the hives, although a warmer climate could be a definite bonus.

    I need one of those cupcakes.

    The shelling peas reminds me of Tom Sawyer white washing the fence. I shall have to try that on the tomato when she comes.

    1. Heather

      It’s so true! The kids have their own broom too and it’s amazing how many things I can get them to help with that they think is actually fun.

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