Category Archives: baby

9 Months Old

Our little lady is officially 9 months old today!  Tomorrow she’ll get her vaccinations, but I have a feeling she’ll handle it well as she does with most things.  She rarely cries, but when she does, talk about crocodile tears.  They’re kind of the saddest thing ever.  Anyhoo.


At 9 months old, Phoebe continues to surprise us.  We thought for sure she’d be crawling everywhere by now, but instead she has decided not to.  She gets around by scooting and rolling and other means, but she is more interested in trying to pull herself up on everything.  She has pretty good leg strength, but can’t quite get her legs underneath yet.  We actually had to move her crib down because after we put her down she kept sitting up and trying to pull herself up on the side and we didn’t want to risk her figuring out the leg thing in the middle of the night and have her topple out.  At this point it’s hard to say what her next milestone will be since Enzo followed the standard roll, scoot, crawl, pull to stand, walk agenda.  Baby girl seems determined to just do whatever, which is perfectly fine with us.  I’m not exactly in a hurry to have two small children under foot, you know? It’s nice that I can still put her in the living room and know that if I walk away for a few minutes she will still be within 5 feet of where I put her. :p


As far as babbling goes, she definitely likes to hear herself talk and finally started saying “Mama” a couple of weeks ago. Granted, she’s just saying it for now and isn’t saying it to me, but it’s a start!  I love listening to her experiment with sounds and attempt to talk with us. Enzo will also repeat noises back to her and they sit and babble back and forth. He thinks it’s pretty funny and is also enjoying interacting with his sister more and more.


While Phoebe has always been very independent, she is beginning to have more and more of those moments where she doesn’t want to be put down and gets rather sad if she can’t be held.  I’m so grateful that she’ll sit in the carrier and not fuss during those moments. While these moments of clinginess don’t always happen at the most convenient of times, they are very endearing.


We’ve been rather busy, but try to make it a point to get out and about, even if for just short evening walks. Phoebe loves being outside and one of her favorite things is watching tree leaves rustle in a breeze.  I’ve told her that one day we’ll take her to Colorado so she can stand with me under the aspens.  I think she’d be in absolute heaven.


Oh, Miss Phoebe, what joy you bring us all!

Munchkin Meals – 2 years old & 9 months

Linking up this week for Munchkin Meals again!

I’m not gonna lie, we’ve been in a food rut lately and are trying to find some new meals to mix in with our favorites, as well as ways in general to just get our picky toddler to eat something besides cereal bars (his favorite).

ToddlerGBeans  BLWGreenBeans

Actually, he’s been doing pretty good and sometimes will completely surprise us by suddenly eating something he’s been politely refusing for several months (which is why we continue to keep offering it).  Things like green beans or even meatballs.

PorkLoinNom NoodleNoms


Phoebe continues to try just about everything and loves her meat.  Most recently she enjoyed some pork loin, chicken, and really went to town on a piece of steak.  I really just love that she’ll try everything, and really think about whether or not she wants more. She’ll kind of hold it in her mouth and might even go back for seconds before making a decision.


I think most surprisingly, Phoebe hasn’t gotten as much into pasta as I would have thought. Could it possibly be too messy?  Or maybe it’s a texture thing. Either way, her brother doesn’t mind the mess.


I’ve also gotten really good at tiny omelets, which is a good thing because lady has decided more and more that she either wants to feed herself anything purreed or mushy, or she doesn’t want it at all.  I’m running low on ideas on what to feed her and send to day care since she is also still toothless. Still!


It seems like I had so many more ideas with Enzo… and more time.  Plus, I want to say he definitely had teeth by now, so that’s been throwing me a tad.  I know she’ll get them soon enough and her gums are pretty strong, but unless I can convince day care to give her the spoon, I’m going to need some new solid food ideas.



Definitely not crunchy, but chewy.

I’m not talking about peanut butter, but parenting. We don’t really classify ourselves as anything when it comes to parenting, but if we were, I think we’d fall into the “chewy” category since we’re kind of all over the place and really just do what is best for our family.  We had to use formula, we use disposable diapers, sometimes I make baby food, but often we buy organic baby food when we aren’t doing some form of BLW (baby led weaning). We have a couple of strollers, but also baby carriers because I like to wear Phoebe – it’s often easier and she usually enjoys it.  We vaccinate our kids who are in day care full-time, and while they have their own beds, they slept almost exclusively in ours for the first 6 months. So, I thought today we’d talk about bed-sharing and why we like it so much.


A lot of parents do a form of co-sleeping with their babies for the first few month, most often in the form of a crib or bassinet in the same room, which is also what we started with in the beginning.  We actually bought a king-size bed when Enzo was small just so that it would be big enough for all 3 of us, which might sound strange to some people, but it has worked really well for us.  I think we started putting Enzo in our bed just because it was so much easier than the bassinet and he slept better.  Neither Josh or I move around a lot when we sleep so we never worried about squashing him by accident.  When he was 6 months old, we decided to move him to his own bed simply because he started moving around a lot and we weren’t sleeping well.  To this day, though, he sometimes ends up in our bed – whether it be due to not feeling well or having a bad dream… or whatever it may be.  The same with Phoebe as well.  For the most part she primarily sleeps in her crib, but on bad nights we just bring her into our room because it’s far less disruptive than having to get up and go check on her multiple times.


The thing I love about bed-sharing (even though the kids aren’t there as often anymore) was/is that it’s great bonding time for us. Josh and I work full-time, so it was especially nice to have the kids close when they were babies. We’re also the kind of family that likes to just pile up in bed where it’s nice and comfy and all cuddle and watch a movie.  Even during the week, I’d often much rather just get comfy in bed to watch TV then to go downstairs and sit on the couch. I know some people consider their bedroom (and bed especially) to be their sacred private space, and I totally understand that… for me, that’s just kind of changed, though. I get ready for work in my bathroom, so it’s not uncommon for one or both of the kids to be in our room hanging out while I do that, and I really hope that never changes. I always want our kids to feel welcome to come and talk to us about anything and everything, and while I’m not against closed doors, I want ours to be as open as possible.  We’ll teach the kids to respect our space and each others’ space, but I hope we have a great many more snuggle fests in our big “family” bed for years to come.


Now, in terms of safety – I really don’t bed-sharing is unsafe. As with anything, it can be done safely or unsafely, it’s just a matter of knowing how to do it the right way.  There are so many resources out there, and I encourage families to do what is right for them.

Update on our furry friends.

Lest anyone should think the fur balls are unwell, they are in fact doing quite fine. We even got them a new cat tree since they spend so much time downstairs and could use some more places to hang out and sharpen their claws on.


While these pictures are a few weeks old, we do have some rare moments where they both will hang out upstairs even if the kids are present.  Both of the kids get so excited to see the cats that it’s hard to explain why Ziggy always runs away and why Uzi sometimes will allow affection and sometimes won’t.  Cats are fickle creatures. Since Phoebe is sitting up all the time now, photos like the above will happen less and less.


I suppose we just have ot keep luring them into the play room with treats and catnip in order to keep everyone amused. Apparently Enzo’s room still smells like cantip after the last time I put some in there because Uzi randomly went in there the other day and sprawled out on the floor. Enzo, as you can probably guess, is very pleased when that happens.


I’m constantly making the cats older than they actually are, but I think that Uzi is at least 10 years old, which would make Ziggy around 12 years old.  I think.  Somewhere I have paperwork of some kind that will end the mystery, or my sister will be able to tell me the year we got him because she’s much better at remembering things like numbers and I got him right after we moved into our first place together.  Anyhoo… the cats are alive and well, although apparently the average cat only lives to be 12-15 years?? That can’t be right since our last cat lived to be 21 years old.  Okay, so the cats are alive and well and most likely will be for a very long time. Random post complete.

Photo Dump

I take a lot of photos… usually of the kids or other things with the intent that they’ll end up on the blog, but then time passes and they’re quickly out of date.  So, the photo dump.  Just be glad I’m not dumping all of the hundreds and hundreds of photos I take that just end up on my hard drive, hopefully to put into a photo book one day when I have time.


Playing one of Enzo’s favorite games.


Really trying to crawl... with much less hair than she has now.

Really trying to crawl… with much less hair than she has now.

Reading with Daddy.

Reading with Daddy.

Love the Uzi/Phoebe love.

Love the Uzi/Phoebe love.

Oh, hey, mom.

Oh, hey, mom.

Why is she not this little anymore??

Why is she not this little anymore??


Serious boy.

Just a little unsteady.

Just a little unsteady.

Duckies that are now too small.

Duckies that are now too small.