Friday Funday!

Enzo would love nothing more than to cuddle Ziggy, but considering she’ll probably never let that happen again… this stuffed version of her would be a dream come true!

Perhaps this game board dinner plate would encourage Enzo to finish dinner?

Can’t forget to wake up early to watch the camelopardalid meteor shower on May 23/24th!

What do strangers think?


And now something a little deeper, but so important in the world we live in today where so many people deal with feelings of depression.

2 thoughts on “Friday Funday!

  1. Joanne

    What is it about eating dinner that kids find so unappealing!? All of my friends with toddlers are struggling with this right now!

  2. hmshoberg

    Oh, how I wish i knew! You’d think even homemade mac n’ cheese would be a win… but it’s not. Back to the drawing board!

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