Happy Friday!

We are so ready for this warm weather we’ve been having. Enzo asks every morning if he can wear shorts and Phoebe has been loving skirts and dresses.  I think we’ve finally turned the corner and can kiss snow good-bye.  Maybe I shouldn’t say that out loud and jinx it. Josh has already started our outside yard projects and opening up the windows has been awesome!  Enzo is already asking about when they’re going to start doing water day at Preschool and can you tell we’re all really excited about warm weather?



These pictures were from the first really nice weekend and we all went outside on the deck in our pajamas to get some of that morning sun. I can’t remember where Josh was, but the kids and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. The cats are also excited about being outside, but I have some dead plants I need to remove because if it’s a plant, Uzi will eat it and vomit it up. Time to buy some catnip and grass just for them, even though he’ll still get into whatever I end up planting this year. I would love to have houseplants, but no matter what I do, he always finds a way to get into them… that or I have to stick them in a place where we forget about them entirely and no one gets to enjoy them.



Sigh, cats. Anyhoo, we’re going to make the most of this weekend and the great forecast by getting outside!  I’m taking advantage of the library’s smART passes and we’re going to go check out the Bell Museum of Natural History. We haven’t been yet, so getting to go for free is an even better way to finally experience. We haven’t decided what we’ll do afterward, whether it be wander some more, go to one of the zoos or another museum, but it will be glorious.
