My puns are usually for Josh’s benefit since he loves them so. 😉 This week we’ve needed a slight sense of humor, though. Day care is closed today for annual training, so I am home with the kiddos! Josh was originally going to take today off as well, but unfortunately got sick and already took time off this week. So… our plans have changed for the day. Because I’m actually writing this on Thursday, I can’t say for sure what we’ll do with our extra day, but I want our day to be fun. I may clean a little, but I think despite a chill in the air, we should get out and find some fun.
With these two, fun isn’t too hard to find, but I do have to consider a few things when handling them singly. If Enzo is in a stroller then Phoebe will consent to being worn, but if he decides he needs to walk then she will inevitably decide she needs to walk to. This is a problem because she does not stay close and will run if given the option. So… we need to go somewhere where I either don’t need a stroller or somewhere with enough space for both stroller seats but also areas where they can get out together and not get lost in a crowd. Due to the chill and the fact that Phoebe is getting over an ear infection means I also don’t want to spend much time outside. My thinking cap is on.
I suppose it also wouldn’t be the end of the world if we just stayed home all day and made our own fun inside. We can always bake something or find some sort of craft to make… maybe. I’m really not crafty at all, let’s just face it. Maybe it’s time to Pinterest some ideas and then at the very least, perhaps we’ll have some fun Pinterest fails to share. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Hope you guys did have a GRRRREEAT Friday!! 😛