Photo Dump – The Food Edition

Food plays a major role in our daily lives… sure it nourishes and sustains us, but it’s also just awesome. Because of that I apparently have a bunch of random pictures with food in them that never made it into any posts. Lest they feel left out, here they are given a chance to shine.


I honestly can’t remember the last time we had cupcakes… so sad.


I was never more proud than at this moment. Honestly, I haven’t bought a pint in a while either.

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Breakfast that Josh made me. MMMM.


We really need to go get more ice cream soon.

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Ah, yes. On the way home from our camping fail!

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They didn’t even want to try my Root Beer Float… so sad.


This Blue Apron burger was so good.


Phoebe’s take on dinner.

Happy Friday, All!