Tag Archives: school

2 Weeks of Kindergarten

I realized I had never actually posted about Enzo’s first day of kindergarten and subsequently not much else.  You wouldn’t think it’s much different than just dropping him off at preschool, but it really is.  We’ll get to that in a moment, however.  We sent Enzo off in style his first day because Pinterest.

Thank you, Pinterest for making me feel creatively inept every day. At least this was one idea I was able to actually pull off and at the last minute no less!  He was very proud of himself that morning and as a mom I’ve chosen not to care if my kids walk out of the house with crazy bedhead. It happens. I don’t care to fight that battle.

Phoebe was not to be outdone and also needed pictures of her outfit as well.

Sorry, Enzo… she will forever try to steal your thunder.  #oldersiblingproblems.

He was so excited and thankfully the first day the buses run late because I may or may not have misjudged timing and we got to day care late, but thankfully the bus was even later than us. Phew!

The way he ran onto that bus, you’d think he’d been doing it for ages.  Unfortunately, my allergies were really bad that day, so my eyes were watering and you would have thought I was emotional about my firstborn going to kindergarten or something. Pfft. As if.

So… how is it going?  Well, it’s an adjustment. I think he’s doing great. He enjoys going and what more can you ask for?  Much like his mom and dad were in elementary school, he has a little trouble focusing and can be a tad distracting to others, so it’s something we’ll work on.  One big difference?  Everything is electronic. I can see what he has for lunch every day, I can track his lunch money, I can see if his bus is running late, I can see his schedule and every thing else and his teacher emails me.  It’s a whole new world from when I was in school.

We’ve always known that adjustment and change doesn’t come easy for Enzo, so I think two weeks is a little soon to really come to any fast and hard conclusions.  I just hope his love continues. He was really excited that he gets to check out his own books and he made a friend on the bus, so fingers crossed it just gets better from here!