The Best Part of Waking Up…

Fall is definitely in the air, which felt really good, but also a little weird.  I’m looking forward to cooler temperatures since we’ve had such a hot summer, but at the same time,  I don’t know that I’m ready for what comes after Fall. 😉 So, we decided to make the most of this weekend’s nice weather.

We started Friday night off with a glass of wine from one of the bottles we bought last weekend, and sat down to watch ‘Tailor Tinker Soldier Spy,” which I’m sure was a good movie, but… I may have fallen asleep and Josh said it was a little slow and they avoided action at all cost. One thing I’ve noticed with having a baby – if a movie doesn’t grab our attention fairly quickly, we turn it off.  We have so little free time as it is now that we don’t want to waste any of it.  Granted, I did have a really nice snooze before it was time to get up and feed the baby. :p

We woke up without a plan yesterday morning.

And on a whim we decided… why not go to another winery?  We went to the Parley Lake Winery and Orchard, and it ended up being a really nice afternoon.  Enzo was really well behaved and enjoyed looking at all of the falling leaves and smiling and chatting with people while we did a wine tasting. We didn’t pick any apples… or buy any, but they did have amazing Dutch Apple Jam and Pumpkin Butter, which tasted exactly like Fall, and we bought a jar of each.

We also discovered this weekend that Enzo is a huge fan of the Jumper and pretty much wore himself out.  At first he’d just kind of hang there and twirl himself around a bit and it was funny to watch him realize that he could actually do so much more.  Ever so cautiously he’d lightly bounce and then he just got downright crazy. We’re going to have to watch this boy.  Ha ha.

And now here we are at Sunday.  We woke up a tad early as baby’s clock does not have a weekend setting, but the best part of waking up is opening my eyes and seeing my smiley Enzo.  Granted, getting kicked in the ribs is usually how I wake up, but I love spending our weekend mornings babbling in bed. At first neither of us thought we’d be the co-sleeping types aside from having a bassinet next to the bed, but there you go.  I wouldn’t change a thing… well, maybe in a couple months. We’ve decided once Enzo hits 6 months it might be a good idea for him to sleep in his crib, so we’ll see how that goes.

One thought on “The Best Part of Waking Up…

  1. Sharon

    It sounds like you had a great weekend, I love Enzo’s smiles, you can tell he is having so much fun in his jumper.

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