Happy Monday!
Linking up with Meghan from Clean Eats, Fast Feets for another Week in Review!
WEEKLY ACCOMPLISHMENTS (in no particular order)
- Worked from home on Monday (as usual), but then unexpectedly on Tuesday as well when Enzo woke up with a nasty cough that I’d never heard before, so we took him in and he asked to stay home since he didn’t feel good. He’s thankfully at an age where I can still get work done even if he’s sick, though.
- This isn’t my accomplishment, but I’m always proud of the kiddos, so here is one of Phoebe’s worksheets from last week.
- Made it through Daylight Savings, but we’ll see how the rest of the week goes. Enzo slept great, but Phoebe was not at all ready to go to sleep Sunday night, so I let her snuggle in bed with me for a while before convincing her to try and sleep again.
- Made some more progress downstairs with our big switch-up while trying to let the kids do whatever to keep them busy because their version of “helping” isn’t always helpful. 😉 Oh yeah, and Phoebe wanted to try “Undies” but after 3 accidents decided she wanted her diaper again. Next time, Phoebe!
- We finally took the kiddos swimming! They’ve been asking, but we’ve been on the fence because the last time Enzo wanted to swim he kind of chickened out and didn’t enjoy an actual pool. This time they were both really brave almost from the get go. Phoebe went out to her armpits and didn’t get too freaked when she slipped a little and went under. Enzo panicked when he went under and was ready to get out, though. He did, however, go under this waterfall thing, which is HUGE considering even rinsing his hair in the bath is an issue. I think it is indeed time to get them into swim lessons… especially Phoebe since she’s fairly fearless right now. Enzo might take some coaxing – he refused to lay on his back even with me holding him.
- After swimming we decided to be super spontaneous with the kids (which doesn’t happen that often) and drove an hour out of our way for dinner. They napped a little bit, but despite being tired, did great. They colored and we let the kids play on our phones when they started getting antsy (we figured it was worth breaking a rule to keep them happy and entertained).
I foresee much more spontaneity in our future!
Look at you going with the spontaneity. I suck at it now and I don’t even have kids….yet. Six weeks and counting…holy heck, how did it get this close? Eep.
Go Enzo getting his head wet in the waterfall. We do a family vacation at the beach every year so I’m hoping my little tomato gets accustomed to water fast. Swimming lessons will definitely be in her future.
Wow! 6 weeks is getting close!
Without a doubt, get her used to the water sooner rather than later… it’s such a struggle once they start to fear it. :p