Linking up with Meghan from Clean Eats, Fast Feets for another Week in Review!
WEEKLY ACCOMPLISHMENTS (in no particular order)
- Finally tried Kombucha… I know, I know. I’m not gonna lie, the Scoby thing freaks me out. It’s so alien, but I’m going to get over how much I want to gag when looking at one and see about making our own. I’m a convert.
- Started rearranging and organizing various closets (mostly the kiddos’).
- Started sleep “training” the kids to fall asleep without a parent in the room. Phoebe has been far more open to the idea than Enzo. This is probably our biggest accomplishment of the week and hopefully as time passes, Enzo will also do the same.
- Got out of the house and went to the zoo, and didn’t immediately leave when we saw how crazy busy it was. Seriously, we have never seen lines like that before.
- After the zoo, we stopped at Sonic with the kids and let them watch Inside Out while we ate. Not so much an accomplishment unless you count the fact that fries were only spilled once and there was minimal drink spillage.
- Finally watched The Martian – I read the book ages ago, and heard great things about the movie. I thought it was well done, if a little slow at times, but so was the book.
And just because… Ziggy chasing a lazer… sort of.
20160221_184056.mp4 from Heather Shoberg on Vimeo.
Haha I am in love with my scobies. I think they are beautiful. Maybe once you get your own you’ll think differently? (But of course, I totally get where you are coming from).
Trip to the zoo was obviously a popular choice. What a wonderful family outing 🙂
Minimal french fry wastage is totally a thing.
Scobies freak me out too, which is why the only I drink Kombucha is when booze is also involved. Seems fitting.
Happy Monday and thanks for linking up!